Vocal Training | Know the Voice as a Musical Instrument

Vocal training at Vocal Nebula is built on a two-step process. First, we learn how to play the voice as a musical instrument that has three sections and a dozen moving parts. We learn how to move these parts and what they sound like and feel like in different positions. We also learn what they sound and feel like when used improperly.

Once we have a basic understanding of how the voice works as a musical instrument we then move to step 2, which is to train our voice with regular vocal training workouts and vocal exercises designed to help us sing better. It is actually during this second step that we grow in our knowledge and mastery of the first step. It takes time and patience, though when we know how to do the vocal exercises properly we see improvement all the time. And when we are improving every week, or even after every workout, as I do, it makes the vocal training fun. There’s nothing worse than working hard at something and seeing no results.

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